Garden Tips Resources

How do I calculate how much I will need?

* Length in feet X Width in feet X Depth in inches ÷ 12 ÷ 27 = Cubic yards.
* Example 18ft X 18ft X 3in ÷ 12 ÷ 27 = 3 cubic yards.
* One 18 kg. bag usually equals about one cubic foot.There are 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard.
* 1 cubic yard covers approx. 300 sq. ft - 1 inch deep.
* 1 cubic yard of mulch covers approx. 100 sq. ft - 3 inches deep.
* One cubic yard of mulch equals nine 3 cubic foot bags.

Tips on Installing New Soil and Mulch...

1. Measure the area you wish to add new soil or mulch to.
2. Order your soil or mulch from Villacci's Garden Depot, rather than obtaining "compost or ground up trees from community recycle piles" or recycled skid materials. This way you won't be spreading diseased, infected or contaminated soil or mulch around your plants.
3. Trim your shrubs and remove all sod and weeds from your garden beds.
4. Loosen existing soil for good moisture penetration.
5. Installing a border or edging to contain your soil or mulch is optional.
6. Apply landscape fabric to top of beds and cover with 3-4" of mulch to further control weeds. Fabric will last 5+ years when installed correctly.
7. Install your soil or mulch and level to desired thickness.
8. After your initial installation only a mere topping up of soil or mulch is necessary to bring back the fresh new look annually.
9. Enjoy!! Your plants will.

What are the benefits of mulching?

* Mulching around all your gardens can reduce watering by 75%. Think of the time and water you'll save.
* Mulch is all natural so it enriches the soil and provides many needed nutrients to the plants as it decomposes.
* Mulch helps control weeds and soil erosion.
* Mulch to protect plants from summer drought and winter freezing.

Tips for Top Dressing & Over Seeding...

1. Measure out the area you are top dressing. Call Villacci's Garden Depot, and order the soil mixture best suited for your lawn.
2. Rake out the old thatch in the lawn. If thatch is really thick power raking or dethatching may be necessary. Rake up and remove any thatch from the lawn area.
3. Mow the lawn one level shorter than usual and collect the grass clippings.
4. Install soil onto lawn area, level the areas with the back of a rake until the soil is level with surrounding area.
5. Make sure you use the correct grass seed for your lawn, ex. Full sun, shade or mixed. Coverage is approx. 0.5kg seed for 200 sq. ft. Seed thickly and evenly. Incorporate the seed into the soil gently, using the backside of the rake.
6. Water gently with a fan nozzle so you don't wash the seeds away. Keep moist until the seed germinates. Once the new seed is established, resume regular watering.
7. Wait at least 2-3 weeks before mowing or fertilizing new seed; mow lawn higher especially during hot weather. Fertilize 3-4 times per year for a healthy lawn.